Valley Covenant Leadership
The people of Valley Covenant Church use their gifts as full time, part time, or volunteer servants of Christ. They have the awesome privilege of encouraging, equipping and sending fellow Christ followers into ministry in the church and the community.
Valley Covenant Church Staff

Barry Norris spent 20 plus years working as a bi-vocational pastor until retiring from his engineering job at Fermi lab in Batavia, Illinois in 2022. He has helped multiple churches in lead, interim and associate pastor roles. He previously served on the Board of Directors, including as Chairperson, for a mission agency known as ZEMA where the bible is taught to a people group in southern Africa known as the amaZioni. Barry was a first career engineer before coming to faith in the LORD in the 1993-1994 time period. While working at Fermilab on some incredibly exciting science, he attended seminary part time and answered the call of God for him to lead in small church environments. He and his wife Blanche have been married since 1991 and have three children. He enjoys telling people of Christ’s love for them, studying the relationship between science and religion, listening to music, watching movies and hanging with his family.

Pastor to Students & Children
Caitlin graduated from Messiah College with a degree in Youth Ministry. She grew up in Connecticut but has roots in Rockford, and her husband Brent is a native of Stillman Valley. They have 3 boys and are constantly on the run with soccer, cub scouts, and many other activities. Caitlin spent several years as our Admin before stepping up to lead student ministries at Valley Covenant. In her free time she enjoys rock climbing, reading, hiking, and camping.

Jill has been Director and Lead Teacher of Valley Covenant Preschool since 1990. A native of Stillman Valley, Jill is a graduate of Stillman Valley High School and Illinois Wesleyan University (B.A. Elementary Education). Before coming to Valley Covenant Preschool, Jill taught Kindergarten and Chapter 1 Reading for 5 years. Jill and her husband Bill have 5 grown children and 5 grandchildren. Jill also enjoys volunteering with the Jr. High and Senior High Student ministries at Valley Covenant Church.

Audrey was born into and raised in Valley Covenant Church and Stillman Valley. She has Bachelor’s Degrees in Business Management and Nutrition. She and her husband have three busy teenagers who are involved in varying activities from robotics to arts to sports and jobs.
Audrey is also Valley Covenant’s Bread of Life food pantry Board President.